Featured Events
Learn to play many different types of healing wind instruments including flutes, jaw harps, om wands, the didgeridoo, and the harmonica. The majority of the wind instruments used in this workshop are of an intuitive nature so no prior music experience is necessary to attend this program.
The Virgo Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse during Pisces season invites us to explore the delicate balance between science and spirituality. This moon calls us to examine the chaos and disorder in our lives—whether emotional, environmental, or intellectual—and decide whether we need to clean it up or surrender to the chaos. It's a powerful time for introspection, as it is the last moon of the astrological year when we consider Aries as the beginning of the Zodiac. As we approach the Spring Equinox, this full moon offers a chance to take stock of the year, re-evaluate our beliefs, and purify our routines to better align with our spiritual truths. It’s an invitation to ground ourselves before a new cycle begins, honoring both what is true for us and what may no longer serve us.
Doña Leova is a Traditional Healer from the Nahuatl nation of Puebla, Mexico. Her work is based in a cosmology of Healing that is known as the "Tradition of the Grandmothers," named because historically, one grandmother would share the practice with one granddaughter who would then go on to become the next practitioner.
Heart & Mind Festival Presents a Spring Equinox Celebration: Masters of the Waterways: A tribute to the Canarsie People of Brooklyn with Algonquin Author Evan Pritchard. Join us for an evening of renewal with yoga and live music, a powerful presentation on the hidden history of the Canarsie Nation, and a heart-opening cacao ceremony.
Presented by Heart & Mind Festival & Golden Drum.
Long-time Golden Drum members Matt and Hillary Canale will facilitate kirtan monthly in the space. Matt has been studying kirtan for the past decade in Hare Krishna temples in the city and upstate New York. Kirtan is a beautiful way to learn how to sing as a practice to offer our hearts and love to something much greater than ourselves.
With reverence and respect to the original peoples and their ancestral language, the mission of the sacred song school is to learn from one another and embrace what makes each culture a unique treasure to humanity. Like beautiful birds living in one forest, we admire their differences and celebrate what makes each one so special and colorful. With that enthusiasm and love, we invite in the sacred songs of the earth to be shared at the Golden Drum.
Immerse yourself in the beauty and power of traditional indigenous ceremonial arts, jewelry, clothing, tapestries, rare sound healing instruments, herbal apothecary and wild-handcrafted products. M.E.S.A features local artisans as well as ethically sourced, and fair-traded indigenous arts & gifts.
In this workshop, we will explore the complex and creative expressions of world percussion in accompaniment with drums, group singing, chanting, vocalization, and dance.
Aries season welcomes the beginning of the astrological new year in the zodiacal calendar, so this is a beautiful moment to come together under this fiery, independent, strong-willed sign to set our intentions for this next Zodiac year. This Aries full moon in Libra is illuminating the “me” and the “we”, giving us a perfect moment to reflect how we are balancing our relationships with ourselves and with others. It also invites us to look at how our personal growth can fit harmoniously within the collective and the bigger picture. This Libra Full moon is an opportunity to bring more peace and diplomacy to your interactions while still honoring your own unique path. Join us for sound meditation, reiki, and more for a moment to honor yourself and call in more clarity into your path.
Learn traditional uses of the drum and how to work with it in a ceremonial healing context. Then embark on creating your own animal hide drum by hand in a drum making ceremony.
Transform yourself during this Taurus Season under the full moon in Scorpio. The Scorpio full moon reveals deep emotions and illuminates our fears and emotional baggage, but with the help of the Taurian energy we can release them into the material world. Scorpio's transformative energy can also be a time of rebirth, and with Taurus’ earthy energy we can help ground this process. Join us during this time of transformation and release to embrace where you need to grow with sound meditation, reiki, and more.
This program will give sound healing practitioners the tools needed to understand the depth and consciousness on how to properly and safely hold space, how to guide recipients into a place of equanimity, and sustain personal balance while working with many different people and energies in the role of a healer.